This illustration was another one of the illustrations for Michelle Tocher’s book, A. Seeker’s Storybook and was composed for the story ‘Old Woman’s Hill.’
This was part of a group of 17 illustrations done for Michelle Tocher’s book, A. Seeker’s Storybook-Stories for the Working Soul which highlight a variety of issues facing ‘Albert Seeker’, who is a metaphor for anyone attempting to make changes in their working lives. The book is in the form of “mythical tales that help him (Albert) gain insight into his own vision and calling”.
This illustration was the cover art for Michelle Tocher’s book, ‘A Seeker’s Storybook’. It is a combination of scanned pencil drawings and digital elements.
This piece is a life size 3 dimensional sculpture made from wood, acrylic and other media. It was commissioned for a private home by a client that is surrounded by wildlife and has a particular fondness for foxes. I went on to create an entire fox family in 3-D.
This dimensional illustration was the cover art for the Ricky McMountain Buyers Guide. I just did the illustration.
Cover illustration for the Mississauga Recreation and Parks department activity brochure. Mixed media with pencil drawing, ink and gouache
Mixed media, gouache, ink
This illustration was for a Vincor wine list/greeting card. It started life as a pen and ink drawing that was digitally colourized and used in variety of formats.
This was an illustration of Leopold Stowkowski with the idea of the conductor as ‘prism’ and as a musical revelation for those waiting to hear some inkling of the infinite.
Pencil drawing. This is another of the Bradley House series of illustrations. This one portrays a common activity in the pioneer homestead: Spooling yarn for knitting
Gouache. Spot illustration of a pizza maker for Cintar Graphics, the agency working with Pizza Hut at the time this was done. They specialized in servicing food clients and I worked on a number of other illustration projects for them, especially food illustrations for Uncle Ben’s products. The agency did the all the graphics in this instance.
This illustration was done as a self promotion project for Shaw’s ‘Man and Superman’ play which was very interesting to me at the time. It was conceived like the Russian dolls which contain smaller and smaller versions of the principal image one inside the other. In this case they live in Shaw’s beard.
A black and white illustration for Home Office magazine showing a tongue in cheek image of a home office owner putting his children to work for the business. Where are the child welfare workers when you need them….?
Taraway is a product meant to help smokers to clear the lungs of tar and other toxic chemicals while smoking and also assists some to stop smoking.
This 3D sculpture of a happy furnace was for the Kenmore line of Sears Canada. I did this project through Inter City Products who built the furnaces for Sears and it was used in a variety of promotions including posters and advertising ephemera.
Digital illustration for a music store selling CDs and DVDs. Used as a store decoration to re-enforce their brand. 2′ x 3′ final output