This section features artwork created traditionally , using drawing or painting, generally in watercolour , gouache, pen and ink and acrylic.

Mark Twain CMYK
Mark Twain, mixed media Illustration in pen and ink, gouache, coloured pencil with collage elements

Noah's Ark Interactive game image proposal
I was asked to do a proposal for someone who was pitching an interactive game of some type for children. They didn't get the gig but I liked the illustration anyway.

The Legend of Kakabeka Falls
This illustration was featured on the spring water bottles of Kakabeka Crystal, which portrayed the Legend of Kakabeka Falls. This was a tragic aboriginal story about a native princess who leapt to her death in the falls after a failed love affair.

Beaver Stamp
This piece was done as part of a humorous direct mail promotion for mailing machines built by Friden-Alcatel.

Jabberwocky Chapbook Illustrations
These illustrations were done as part of a group project at the Book Arts Guild of Richmond Hill which was meant to teach a group of letterpress students how to do hand typesetting. Each person typeset a page of Lewis Carroll's poem for the tiny chapbook and I did the illustrations in addition to dress up the piece which was just 3.125" x 4.75". I also designed the cover using a wonderful font called Mythos. We did not change the poem in any way but used the illustrations to re-interpret the story by introducing an 'ecological' component.

Pencil drawing with watercolour and gouache details. This illustration was used as a cover for the Mississauga Recreation and Parks Department activity book. It represented the potential for children to achieve remarkable things.

Flute Player
This was a self promotion illustration in watercolour, gouache and acrylic inks. It was done using both fluid ink and drybrush techniques and was an interpretation of a National Geographic photo of an Incan Taquili Islander.

Bradley House illustration - Home in the Kitchen Pencil drawing
The Bradley House is a pioneer residence that is in Mississauga, Ontario. I worked with the curator of the historical site and she became the costumed model for a whole series of drawings that were based on the building. The illustrations were used in their brochure, gift cards , art prints and other collateral associated with the building.

Bradley House Illustration - Spooling Yarn
Pencil drawing. This is another of the Bradley House series of illustrations. This one portrays a common activity in the pioneer homestead: Spooling yarn for knitting

Bradley House Illustration: The Drawing Room
This illustration of the drawing room was another part of the Bradley House series of drawings.

Conductor as Prism
This was an illustration of Leopold Stowkowski with the idea of the conductor as 'prism' and as a musical revelation for those waiting to hear some inkling of the infinite.

Retail Politician
This was an illustration complaining about a certain Toronto mayor that became well known for his 'foot in mouth' disease.

Pizza Maker
Gouache. Spot illustration of a pizza maker for Cintar Graphics, the agency working with Pizza Hut at the time this was done. They specialized in servicing food clients and I worked on a number of other illustration projects for them, especially food illustrations for Uncle Ben's products. The agency did the all the graphics in this instance.

TSX Canadian Shareholders brochure inside illustration
This was one of the inside watercolour illustrations done for the TSX Canadian Shareholders brochure.

Polly the Parrot
Gouache. This illustration was for the Canadian Pet Supply Show and it became their visual theme for several years.

Prangley Press Caricature
This caricature illustration was done as a retirement gift for the owner of a printing company.

Vincor Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes
This illustration was for a Vincor wine list/greeting card. It started life as a pen and ink drawing that was digitally colourized and used in variety of formats.

George Bernard Shaw - Man and Superman
This illustration was done as a self promotion project for Shaw's 'Man and Superman' play which was very interesting to me at the time. It was conceived like the Russian dolls which contain smaller and smaller versions of the principal image one inside the other. In this case they live in Shaw's beard.

Home Office Tyrant
A black and white illustration for Home Office magazine showing a tongue in cheek image of a home office owner putting his children to work for the business. Where are the child welfare workers when you need them....?

Mississauga Wicker Basket
Cover illustration for the Mississauga Recreation and Parks department activity brochure. Mixed media with pencil drawing, ink and gouache

Celestial Bird
Mixed media-paper cutout, pencil, gouache. It was originally used as a Christmas card for Steelcase Canada Christmas card illustration, high end furniture manufacturers and environmental designers for business.

The Lucky Teapot
An illustration for a Japanese children's tale about a magical badger that was so grateful to a humble tinker (itinerant pot salesman) that had freed it from a trap that it changed itself into a performing teapot. The teapot entertained audiences and earned money for the tinker so that he could retire from having to sell pots for a living. After it had completed it's task for the grateful tinker the magical creature went to live in a monastery. The illustration shows the teapot at the height of it's performance.